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The new axis of evil exposed.

Yesterday, Trump had a meeting with Zelenskyy in the White House.

It exposed the new axis of evil in the world. It rather is a circle of evil leaders. The members of this circle are: Kim Jong Un; Ali Khamenei; Xi Jinping; Vladimir Putin; Nicolás Maduro; and Donald Trump. The gang of 6. (G6)

They do not all like each other, but they are very much like each other.

They have one thing in common, they are not part of the new Free world people world, but part of the old bully and fear world. (BF-world)

Humanity, however, is finished with that BF-world. We are desperate in need for a new love and cooperate world. We are desperate in need for new systems for organizing money and public services. Bully and fear the old world, will not build or engineer new systems for money and public services.

On top of this, it is very unlikely the needed innovations will come from the USA, because of sticking to what has been achieved. And because in the new, more granular world order, there is no longer room for empires and bullies anymore.

In 20 years none of the Gang of 6 will be among us anymore and their empires will have collapsed.

Let's work together on a new and better future and ignore the old bully and fear world gang as much as possible.

We've had enough of it!



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