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The Swan Song of brute force isms times.

The emerging age of the industrious “free world people”. I can see the times of brute force imperialism is coming to an end and global industriousness is tanking over. Why? In short: Because of real economics. And because big power deterrence starts to be replaced by small smartness deterrence.

I think that most economics schooling is based on fairy tales. I work on developing alternative systems to overcome the Wall Street bullshit. And I base my view on what I call real economics on the teachings of David Graeber and Steve Keen. I will not further elaborate on this in this writing because this is still under development.

About the replacement of big power deterrence replacement by small smartness deterrence. Look at the successes of the Ukraine army against the Russian army. More metal does not do the job it did starting in World War 1 anymore. Big expensive war ships, tanks, planes. They all have become vulnerable to smart, small and cheaper. And sending in more men (by Russia) only delivered more dead bodies.

In my view, the developments show that big capital (Wall Street) is not really needed anymore, and big army forces are no valid deterrent anymore. Putin and his gang consequently have become emperors without clothes. It is just a matter of time before the Russian population wakes up to see in what kind of empty shell they live. And for the by Moscow suppressed populations to understand that they have been liberated by Putin's error to invade Ukraine and take back their future.

Similar, global business is about to discover that they have been liberated from the US$ Wall Street suppression because of the US-pullback-move made by the Orange Donald Duck. 

China has already bypassed Tesla in a big way on battery and EV-car production. Reducing Elon Musk to a big force salesman without substance. He saw, came, conquered and lost big way. His imperium is doomed because harder and bigger is, in the end, always losing to smarter and smaller. Musk has built impressive things. Tesla was revolutionary, but is no longer so. Starlink will appear to be too expensive to be maintained over time. And for flying to Mars, we (humanity) have not yet the control over gravity the way it is needed for further space travel.

Big tech has achieved a seemingly big success by the break through of Large Language Models. But to me, DeepSeek was no surprise. We (humanity) need to learn to live less wasteful. Thus, however, the state of the art is by big tech, to use big power wasteful data centers to power AI. They are clearly not the future-proof solution.

Let's hope that Europe will not fall in the Napoleon/Parisian trap of big-force is better. Let's hope it will find ways to develop small, smart together. And thus stay away from the Moscow, Washington, Beijing swan song power wars that inevitable is going to take place. And Ukraine can integrate into Europe more easily in Small, Together Smart style than in a new big-force fairy tale with great powers.

We are living in the times of the swan song of brute force. One can predict that the CCP will confuse this with the end of the West and will start to do stupid big-force things shortly. Consequently causing their downfall because for them also the times for brute force isms are over. And China will as it historical has done several times disintegrate again after the CCP swan song.


The age of the Free-world-people is coming.


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