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Law without enforcement is paper text.

Rules. What are the rules? Human rights? For who and by whom?

The global elites have overlooked one fundamental aspect of a legal system, namely, including law enforcement. They overlooked that if within a group the rules (maybe not even on paper written) the group confirms, it looks like no enforcement is needed. And international, the global liberal elites have forgotten that their policeman with the gun to enforce the agreed laws, was the USA.


Since Trump is in office, this has changed rapidly. To protect freedom and security in Europe, Europa now requires urgently to rethink the global law enforcement order.

I think that on the level of cooperation at the top level (army) of policing rules and laws, we have to differentiate between the global shipping (ocean) rule base and the nation border rule base.

As I wrote on my blog of 17 September 2024 with the title “The worn out world order”, we require change in the world order because the current one is worn out.

We require the United Oceans as successor to the United Nations and the Atlantic Rules Enforcement as successor to the NATO. We (the whole free world) requires a law enforcement system to deal with the Houhtis and the Bab al-Mandab Strait. The UN again and again has proven to be a paper tiger.

Next to that, countries or free trade zones on land need good law enforcement to protect the zones, borders. If you have rules for crossing the borders, you need to have the deterrence of enforcement. Without that, you as well could have no borders. The EU failed to protect its borders regarding illegal immigrants, but also does not have the deterrence of enforcement without the backing of the USA.

Ukraine could be included into the EU border protection force. This can be done by having a shared service (border protection service) for EU members and associates (including candidate members).

NOT THE EU but the United European Border Enforcement (UEBE)! A cooperation of all EU member (and associates) armies. A kind of NATO for the EU, based on protecting the EU and its associates borders. 

The EUBE should have its own political chamber, existing of the defense ministers of the associated countries. They should have a weighted voted based on the number of people they represent. And voting should be done by 2/3 majority, without veto. And they should have a clear mandate for border protection, including against aggressive tress passers like armies of countries outside the associates.

So the NATO marines will become part of the ARE (Atlantic Rules and Enforcement). And the NATO air forces and ground forces in the EU and associates will become the EUBE. And the NATO has no role for the land borders of Europe anymore.




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