Every time has its own generation conflict. Generation Z is surging for new ways to organize society. They have grown up in the digital information age. The Baby Boomers are of the book information age.
Information ages are not equal to other time frames but in parallel and heavy influencing other civilization developments. We (humanity) have gone from oral to clay and stone written, to paper, to press and now have landed in the digital data age. The information age is a sub category of this because it also includes the language component.
The digital information age gives Gen-Z another perspective on civilization. This interview with Connor Tomlinson makes this clear. https://youtu.be/Pjh6L0BU5BU?si=0nUF7QwOkvu1eGTG
For me, this is a very hopeful development because the Baby Boom generation made a mess of civilization, I think.
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