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We are crashing and that is good news.

History is here to learn from it. Our education system does not learn from history. All factors for creating a better world are known, but we fail to do the right thing because of elites with self-interest. Worse, we have institutionalized the self-interest elite machine in our diploma and education system. Rudyard Lynch researches history from a humanity system view. From that we can learn what threats there are and what areas are to work on to overcome them. One of the biggest threats for the Free World People society is not learning from history. I have therefor added Not Learning from history page to the Threats chapter. The good news is, that the closer humanity is to the emerging crash, the bigger the chance that highly needed changes will be made.
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New diploma and title system is needed to battle education induced knowledge noise

The issue of education induced knowledge noise Being an easy learner does not mean you are a skilled worker. This reality causes diploma skewness. Historical understandable, because learning from books started with religions. Reciting and story telling (writing) is a skill. But not a permanent one. Why do we have permanent diplomas for reciting stories, then? It's just parasitic noise. A reason building to justify why others should work for the story elites. Maybe justified in the times of handwritten books. But we are in the digital age now. By now, we know that a surgeon needs to maintain its skill in a specific type of operation to be a good surgeon. We know that you can not put any pilot safely on any plane. And that pilots, nurses, plumbers, and so on need to maintain their skills. But what about managers? Language teachers? Historians? What if you are a specialist in the stories and systems we create ourselves, and change all the time?

The parasitic governments and the Green Religion lie

All unnecessary misery in the world comes from the laws that religions and governments, who do not know their place within the human organism, make. Too much legislation is focused on an elite her benefits rather than on servicing the people. In Brazil, we can observe the conflict between the global city elites and the free world people very clearly. The parasitic western elite Green Religion is a lie. Very well exposed by this conflict.

The end of the Baby Boom age

Every time has its own generation conflict. Generation Z is surging for new ways to organize society. They have grown up in the digital information age. The Baby Boomers are of the book information age. Information ages are not equal to other time frames but in parallel and heavy influencing other civilization developments. We (humanity) have gone from oral to clay and stone written, to paper, to press and now have landed in the digital data age. The information age is a sub category of this because it also includes the language component. The digital information age gives Gen-Z another perspective on civilization. This interview with Connor Tomlinson makes this clear.   For me, this is a very hopeful development because the Baby Boom generation made a mess of civilization, I think.

Updated the Free World People Website.

Cleaned the start page. Improved the text. Added "Free World People Information Technology" under "Unfolding progress". There is a lot going on outside the main news and outside what I call Web 2.0. This is an essential part of the ongoing progress. I follow this development and cover whatever is of public interest here and keep a current status overview on the new page  (Web 2.0 is the current internet)

Engineering converts hope into a better future.

Errors are one of the biggest sources of knowledge. We (humanity) need to make errors to learn. One of the biggest errors we made in human history is inventing plastic without designing the process to recycle it. Only now microplastic even is our blood we start recognizing this error. Maybe there is a solution on the horizon. You can read more about it on the FreeWorldPeople real progress page .

Hopeless religious inspired wars.

Humanity has a history of ideologies that ignite conflicts. We also have a tendency of blaming some external source (a god, a book, an individual) Religions are some of these ideologies. Additionally, these religions have the tendency to be conserving. They stick to the lessens learned thousand of years ago. Times change and new lessens are learned. Humanity progresses beyond the old lessons. As long as conserving religions learn to dislike and even want to exterminate other religions, as long as they refuse to learn from human progress, as long the mutual conflicts will persist. This is why reacting or getting involved in these conflicts if they occur is useless. If groups of people refuse to participate in human progress and get involved in conflicts as a consequence, it is their own choice. And the consequences are their own problem. The Islam-Judaism and inter-Islam conflicts will persist as long as they don't share in the learnings of humanity but stay frozen in times by learn