Humanity has a history of ideologies that ignite conflicts. We also have a tendency of blaming some external source (a god, a book, an individual) Religions are some of these ideologies. Additionally, these religions have the tendency to be conserving. They stick to the lessens learned thousand of years ago. Times change and new lessens are learned. Humanity progresses beyond the old lessons. As long as conserving religions learn to dislike and even want to exterminate other religions, as long as they refuse to learn from human progress, as long the mutual conflicts will persist. This is why reacting or getting involved in these conflicts if they occur is useless. If groups of people refuse to participate in human progress and get involved in conflicts as a consequence, it is their own choice. And the consequences are their own problem. The Islam-Judaism and inter-Islam conflicts will persist as long as they don't share in the learnings of humanity but stay frozen in times by learn...